Here’s Why You Must Choose Dental Bonding to Repair Your Tooth


Several oral treatments can repair your damaged teeth these days and dental bonding is one of them. It is a procedure which involves the application of a tooth-colored resin (plastic material) to a chipped, decayed or a fractured tooth to restore it. It is also used to improve the aesthetics of a discolored tooth.

There are quite a lot of benefits associated with dental bonding and we have spoken about them in this post. The points are elucidated below.

The Treatment is Done Within a Single Visit: 

A lot of dental procedures require more than one visit for the completion of the treatments. But, it is not the same with dental bonding because it just takes a single visit for the procedure to get done.

The Procedure is Less Invasive: 

Opting for a dental bonding could be a good choice if you are not comfortable with invasive oral treatments. You can also save a lot of tooth structure during a dental bonding as scraping off an excessive part is not required.

It Looks Like Your Natural Teeth: 

We have already elucidated above that a tooth-colored resin is used to apply to your tooth during a dental bonding, thus, it looks nothing short of your original teeth.

Gives a Boost to Your Oral Health: 

A damaged tooth can lead to many oral problems, but it can be prevented if the tooth is treated using dental bonding. It not only treats a broken, decayed or a fractured tooth but also bridges the gap between missing teeth which saves the neighboring teeth from shifting.

It Bonds to the Tooth Perfectly: 

The affected area is sealed perfectly with the dental bonding which restrains bacteria from damaging the tooth further. This way, the tooth is saved from getting decayed.

There are a few measures which you must follow after a dental bonding treatment if you want the effect to last longer.

  • You must not smoke or else your teeth can become discolored. Smoking can also cause several other oral diseases.
  • Brush and Floss twice a day.
  • Keep your tongue clean.
  • Don’t bite on anything hard.
  • Avoid drinking acidic beverages such as coffee, tea, red wine and so on.
  • Go for dental visits twice a year.

Call us today @(801) 396-9321 if you are looking for convenient dental bonding treatments.
We are located at 2120 S 700 E Ste Salt Lake City, UT 84106.