Cosmetic dentistry today happens to be the most sought after branch of dental treatments! And this happens to be the reality despite the fact that most dental cosmetic procedures are not covered by insurance providers. The reason behind is simple – since cosmetic procedure are not medically essential ones and are mostly done to enhance the look and appearance of your face, they are not considered by insurance companies.
Why therefore, are cosmetic methods still so popular? It is because your appearance, personality and an overall level of confidence is enhanced when your smile turns appealing to the world around you.
Cosmetic dentistry procedures, in order to achieve these goals, are indeed many. a few of the most popular ones are discussed here in this post.
Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening or bleaching, its very name suggests, is the most popular cosmetic treatment. Due to increasing demand and popularity, it can be availed at-home too! This technique simply uses a bleaching agent (mostly hydrogen peroxide) that is applied to your stained and discolored teeth to make them appear a few shades lighter.
Probable reasons for your tooth discoloration are certain foods, juices, soft drinks, artificial juices, chocolates, certain medicines, and some personal habits like smoking or chewing tobacco! Age is another factor that damages your enamel and makes your teeth turn yellowish over the years.
For at-home treatments, whitening strips, and even toothpastes are available over-the-counter. However, they sometimes do not contain the right percentage of bleaching agent that is required in your particular case. Dental office treatments score over the at-home ones in this respect. Their composition is determined by your Salt Lake City dentist, depending upon the level of damage in your teeth. Dr. B. Tysen Carter use trays (that are custom-made) in order to apply the bleach on your teeth.
Dental Veneers
Veneers are manufactured from medical-grade ceramic or porcelain. They are wafer-thin materials that are adhered to the front portion of your tooth. Issues that are usually resolved using dental veneers are slightly chipped or cracked teeth, damaged enamel, some unwanted gaps in between your teeth, or simply inherently crooked teeth. A thin layer of enamel is scrapped for the purpose of applying veneers with the help of an adhesive. Once applied, they look exceptionally natural as they are fully matched with the shade of your existing teeth! Read more – How To Maintain Your Veneers
Inlays and Onlays
These are custom-made things that are manufactured in a dental laboratory. When there is not enough tooth structure to justify in order to support a filling, inlays or onlays are resorted to. These are moulds of filling material that have been hardened to place in the cavity region. However, your tooth cusps need to be intact for inlays and onlays to be placed. With healthy cusps, inlays are placed directly onto the tooth surface. But, when a greater portion of the tooth cusps are damaged, an onlay is used. The onlay is one that covers the entire surface of the tooth.
Dental Implants
Implants are permanent restorations for lot teeth mainly. A small titanium screw is inserted into the jaw at the site of the missing tooth. This serves as a support for the crown (new artificial tooth that you get). Implants therefore are custom-made too and hence match with your existing natural teeth. Dental implants are a relatively costly and time-consuming method. Despite so, they are preferred by dental experts and patients as their strength and longevity convert them into the most cost-effective cosmetic technique nowadays.
Apart from these, there are an ample number of cosmetic dentistry techniques in use today. Some treatments are medically necessary such as dental fillings or inlays and outlays, etc. This is because cavities when justified untreated create further room for plaque and tartar accumulation. They may go down deeper ultimately leading to tooth loss even. Hence fillings are deemed necessary. Similarly many procedures are rendered so. But some are not. So, before going in for a cosmetic makeover of your teeth, check the treatment heads that are covered by your insurance team!