6 Common Pediatric Dental Emergencies You Need To Know


Dental emergencies occur without any intimation. The word “emergency” refers to a situation that cannot be foreseen. It requires immediate attention and has to be handled with care. In this blog, we will discuss common Pediatric dental emergencies. 

What Are The Common Dental Emergencies In Children?

Parents go to any extent when it comes down to protecting their children. But, some things can neither be protected nor be prevented, resulting in a dental emergency. Parents who know what should be done during a dental emergency are in a better position to seek appropriate medical care on time. So the chances of resolving the problem on time and recovery become high. Some of the common pediatric dental emergencies are mentioned in the sections below.

1. Knocked-out Tooth

The problem of having a knocked-out tooth is far more common than you think. In such a scenario, you should know exactly how to treat a knocked-ou-tooth. Firstly, it is important to stop the bleeding. Find the tooth if possible, and avoid touching it with your bare hands. You can also clean the tooth with water as early as possible. Never use soap while cleaning the tooth.

There is no need to save the tooth if your kid has lost a baby tooth. The reason behind it is pretty simple – the dentist will not be able to reinsert it. Put the tooth in a cup of cold water if your child has lost his/her permanent teeth. If the child is old enough, try to put the tooth back into the socket. Take your child to a pediatric dentist near you as early as possible for a solution. 

2. Loose Tooth

Sometimes, accidents can happen, making a tooth loose and not knocking it out. If your child has a loose baby tooth, you should know that it will eventually fall out. Most children begin losing their teeth around age six. A pediatric dentist may choose to insert spacers to make room for the future permanent tooth if your child loses a tooth before this age. Or, he may decide to do nothing. Regardless, your kid’s dentist will probably use X-rays to ensure that the bone that supports the tooth has not been damaged.

3. Cracked, Chipped, Or Fractured Tooth

You may be unsure of what to do if your child’s tooth is cracked. But first, you should be aware that while poor oral hygiene can cause teeth to crack or chip, in the case of a dental emergency, trauma is more likely to be responsible. Kids can get hit in the face while participating in sports activities, or they can trip and fall and ultimately fracture a tooth. No matter what the reason is, a fractured or chipped tooth requires immediate dental care.

Some of the tips to follow before going to the dentist are:

  • Rinse your kid’s mouth with water.
  • Place a cold compress on the child’s cheek where the injury has occurred if you notice unusual swelling.
  • Try to preserve the tooth fragment (if you find any) and take it to a pediatric dentist.

Your kid’s pediatric dentist will determine the appropriate dental treatment needed and give you the essential instructions to follow once you get back home. 

4. Injuries To The Tongue, Cheeks, Or Lips

You can use a few ways right away if your child has injured their lips, cheek, or tongue. Use a clean cloth or bandage to provide pressure to the wound, if you can. Also, wash your hands before and after treating the wound. Ensure your hands are clean before coming in contact with the injury site.

If the wound is on your kid’s lips or the outside of your mouth, wash it with soap and water once the bleeding has stopped. You should also remove the dirt particles from the wound and avoid scrubbing the area. It is also recommended to apply an over-the-counter antiseptic lotion for faster recovery.

5. Suspected Broken Jaw

It is necessary to take your child to a pediatric dentist if you think your child has a broken or fractured jaw. Common signs of a broken jaw include bruising or inflammation of the child’s lips, chin, or gums.

Your child may also face problems related to missing or losing teeth, suffer from nausea or vomiting, or complain of discomfort or a lump on the jaw area below the ear. In some cases, your kid may have tingling or numbness on the chin or lower lip. He/she might struggle to breathe, eat, speak, or even open his/her lips if the situation worsens. 

The treatment your child receives directly depends on their specific condition. However, the typical treatment for a broken jaw includes prescribed medicine to control pain, antibiotics to avoid infection, wiring of the jaw to keep the jaw secure, or surgery of the jaw to bring it back to the normal position depending on the severity of the fracture. 

6. Toothache

Although many factors can be the reason for toothache, it is mostly caused due to trauma or an injury. Help your kid rinse their mouth with lukewarm saltwater if they suffer from a toothache due to trauma. The saltwater can soothe the injured gums and give the pediatric dentist a better opportunity to assess the wounded mouth and hence plan appropriate treatment. 


We hope you now have a clear understanding of the pediatric dental emergencies that are common in the case of children. Visit us if you are looking for the best emergency dentist in Fitchburg. Our team of dentists and other dental professionals is adept at dealing with dental emergencies. We are also available to help you in every possible manner.